Tuesday, December 21, 2010

South Parkonlineengels Subtitels

daubed with paint!

Recently I took out the brushes!
it was long ^ ^

Yet although I am not especially gifted, I like it and it is with great pleasure that I am given full fingers ^ ^
And yes I am a true kid, I can not do anything properly!

I myself went back with a warhammer.

The man is trying to assemble his army, I'm interested just because the scenery and characters are really amazing.

"if you want me to paint a warhammer, it will be a dog khorne!"

The man is happy to share his new passion is with a box of dog khorne he comes home ^ ^

and here for my first:

I took basically the colors offered on the box, which him, in my opinion, was perfect. I tried some "effects" but it is still far from that.

I learn to serve me softly various paintings. But I'm still satisfied with the outcome, although not detailed, it looks like what I wanted ^ ^ And I finally

finii the art offered by Poom Toys for Christmas this year. I will have taken time! And yet I was really happy because it offers me at this period I was really telling me that I will try although the custo these animals there!

is very nice to browse the net looking at what artists do, but must also engage ^ ^

Again nothing too complicated or work, even some custo starting shape of art toys, it's really extra. But it will take me much time and testing before daring to go near certain level!

It was white at the base, I first rounded black (there are already several months) but to hang around with the move and it was found at the bottom of the carton, the paint is of poor as it was a little carnage.

I tried to catch it in brush strokes and black paint, but there is some nasty marks. I used the

warhammer citadel paint. it's really extra. And since now there is a shop on Voiron is good practice, it prevents from running in Grenoble just for a pot of paint.

I think buying the same subsequently to the release date. Ongoing reflection.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Things To Do To Make Somebody Horney

Holiday of Lights Contest ** **

Following an excellent idea Swapsworld launched on the forum, I found myself enlightened my window this year, although they are not absolutely Lyonnaise.

Why only the Lyon illuminate their city?

And maybe by the Following my neighbors will do the same: p

edict: the moment a neighbor monitoring \\ o /

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Customize I Love Boobies Bracelets

Small contests the blog of my shop.


1 cache size Pullip ear or SD

a keyring inspired Noireau totoro

it is going down:

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Homemade Center Channel

A trip to Voiron

This week I worked the afternoon, gasping at all is that by chance as it was fine when I could not go out and gnagna (yes I'm a big complainer!)
and after having had enough to make my pain in the ass, I decided to do a little drag my feet out Saturday morning as I finally began at 14:30.
Paviot-The blanchissserie \\ o / (for those who know a little voiron)
and was shorter I will not get that thought ^ ^
I took my camera and made a detour to the park of the town hall, I had never taken the time to go around, just to go through to the pool. It is a beautiful park fairly quiet. It is well enménagé, there is a small duck pond with the small house, fish, deer (?) ...

Voiron Like what is not so bad ^ ^
There really nice spot! Just go a little farther than the tip of his nose and opening a little eyes. Especially with the colors of autumn, what more?

Voiron I crossed to get to the commercial area to join my zhomme after work (I bought a small shack to put bird on the balcony, which I must buy a net grain too) And a little direction to the pizzeria out of town.
One Saturday morning, very nice job despite the time that happened ...
A remake! ^ ^

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

How Much Was Rip Hamilton Mask

crocheter Serial No. 59

The theme this week: playroom !

My mini chips have a small corner for them,
amigurumis or sometimes come to visit them and tell them Mr. Rabbit stories bunny!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Back Pain Just Above The Waist

a blog
another (that of Isabelle Kessedjan followed by that of desidéesetdesmains.fr)
I found myself on this one:
with action for children hospitalized very nice ^ ^

If you tweak a little, go fast and have a look!
and then if you do not hack, nothing prevents not get the message;)

I shall not fail to participate, and cuddly amigurumi starting to pile up here, so far as they benefit someone ^ ^

Good day!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Can I Get Hpv From A Brazilian Waxing?

Challenge Elmer item 7

but point # 3 for me I think ...

ps I have not given up, I have been putting aside for a moment, then I finally picked up for me to realize that certain colors with which I started was no longer available .. .

Ducoup while I started last week \\ o /

I'm at 23 squared. (Hook No. 5 and 6 turn)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

E71 Secondary Camera 2010

Bye Bye Pumpkin! In

Tonight Pumpkin Party is Poom at TT

She made her small suitcase, put his little cap, and off you go for new adventures!

Takes care of my Pumpkin and I keep Kiwi hostage!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Foods To Disolve Hematoma

Tartiflette We Trust!

Why wait for the cold weather to have fun?

Despite the heat (no cloak what) and the fine weather at noon today it was potatoes, bacon and Reblochons! (And onion to enjoy sir ... )

reblochon Speaking of, I do not know the words properly. I say "Roblochon", and you?

was also an opportunity to test small casserole! Since that time I wanted, they joined my dishes;)
And that's enough for us ^ ^

Bon appetite and good Sunday!


Thursday, September 30, 2010

How To Make A Vacuole

crocheter Serial No. 54

Pfiouu! I still have almost made me!
But whew! here I am on time!

grigri my bag will be .... eatable! \\ O / Finally
failing to love the wool of course ^ ^ v


Friday, September 17, 2010

How To Make A Fake Vig Ina


because once again I missed while I had the seral did my created T ^ T
made on Tuesday and not yet able to take 5 minutes for the photo and put it in the comp ... I have a big lack of will at this time for certain things that it becomes really craignos ...

in short, I share anyway! : P

the theme was "the colors of autumn" here: http://couleurs-bonbons.over-blog.com/
ok, I'm not sure there is strawberry in the fall, but I had not shaped chestnut
here, my little pouch, and infact, I do not know what to put in!

this week and if it goes down: http://isabellekessedjian.blogspot.com/

for 1 year of serial's theme is ... how to say .... greedy! ^ 3 ^



Sunday, August 29, 2010

How To Get Sponsored In Track

Dolly Doll Shop in Ldoll Festival

And yes, the store should reopen shortly, not only must I fill again, but again, I will attend to Ldoll Festival!
bibi then it hooks, it hooks, she crochets ....

Having changed herbergeur blog since it must be that I tell you?

In early 2010, a boutique web more emerged: Dolly Doll Shop
which at the time only offered products for dolls (pullips mainly).
After various events, I had to close it while everything falls into place.

And now it's good!

I'm back! With new things and new categories for more choices ^ ^
Just enough time to resolve a host of details with the shop, and my products will be available again!
And it ette time there is no will for the dolls ^ ^ 3
but as already mentioned, it is not all!
Dolly Doll Shop will be at Ldoll Festival stand as an amateur, I will be sharing the booth with a friend who offers jewelry for BJD.
again, now with my little pukipuki at home, I'll get into the pancreas to their sizes ^ ^

Ldoll Then what is it?

A festival to be held 9 and 10 October in Lyon whose theme will of course our dear beloved dolls (but what they are spoiled this one> <)
The sponsor is Peakswood (company my charming Raziel, my BJD Goldie wake up) it already promises to pretty things * o *
It will not go empty the wallet, I say to you> <
for more detail, it is happening there:

Let me know if you go
and do not hesitate to contact me with any questions ^ ^
was mahiko ! ko!

Brent Corrigan And Brent

Attention danger

on the asphalt. One night was heavy and wet. A grim and dripping carpet that takes place, leading me always a little farther a little faster.
I avoid shaking, zigzags under the drops.

It is late, the moon is tired. She asleep under his thick clouds down, leaving me alone under the flashes.

I smiled despite myself and heard that song coming out of speakers saturated at high volume to cover the anger of heaven and reassure me. Only link with life elsewhere.

Kilometres connected and confuse me. I've never felt as free and conscious than locked in the steel walls.

The sky is darker, the strings of water thicker. I navigate to the blind and sliding on this one-way mirror that can break at the slightest tap on the brakes. The music racing.

Like this nocturnal solitude, the feeling that my life depends dangerous at that moment that white line not to cross, these pitfalls. This impression that the world around slips away, it melts and flattens, engulfed by speed.

I'm not sure I want to go home. The desire to prolong this conflict is greater. Follow my nonsense. Keep an as yet this certainty of being in my place. An atom moving on the surface of the land abandoned, without landmarks or specific destination, some elsewhere in the universe.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Does Damiana Contain Thc?

(De) Construction

A shell, an armor of flesh, a bulwark against the onslaught. The time had
high, layer after layer, and nobody objected.

A distorted view of self, a reflection that it no longer looks as it is scary, as you can guess what it can become, again.

Misunderstanding before this fortress construction.
Against what, against whom? Against
itself of course.

All these fears engulfed, swallowed these gaps, this turbulence devoured.
"Do not linger ... not move your eyes ... there is nothing that can please you here. "The heart
gel, body caught in his own trap wrapping.

the time comes to stripping, to give new rights to reclaim its image, make peace with his shadow.
bogged these lines buried, purify their outline ... and petting a hope that one day a little more love, finally.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Is It Safe To Take Chlorophyll While Pregnant

crocheter Serial No. 48

my return in seral'll be on the super Chrisdinello theme: the world of amenities

not easy ...
but fortunately Rain is here! ^ V ^

I must m'escuser for the lousy quality of this picture-_-'

Monday, August 9, 2010

Is Cervix Hard Before Period

Well Hung

A thick fog, opaque, dangerous. From the
seeping under the door, uninvited, like a snake crawling along the silent hallway before you surprise out of bed.
That he has chosen you, he watched his prey for a while now.
First it envelops you, pretending to warm up, to cuddle you. But soon, he surrounds you, oppresses you, you choke.
Looking to push him away, you scream, you scream, you struggle to tears. Nothing to do, its influence is total.
Gradually, you tame, you agree that it sticks to your skin, yet secretly hoping that he throws in the towel, tired of your docility.
Some of your submission, it leaves you sometimes take a little distance, you overtaking on the fly when you seem to hesitate.
And then it all breaks down.
When he finally tries to leave, because he is bored and has no reason to hold you hostage, it's your turn to beg.
"Rest ... a little ... how shall I do without you ..."
You're used to his presence, life is more comfortable with him, he is a good alibi.
So you maintain the gigolo your tortured soul, and you pay the price.
became his shadow, he now controls you, you above, you hide your light and steals.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

How To Look Good For An Ice Skating Date

A body without a veil or artifice.
That the texture of her skin for single coverage.
A body exposed, motionless, stories chaotic, with white scars.
It is before me, inviting my hand to get lost in the hollow of his turns on the full of his life.
shivering at the slightest blink of an eye lost, he tells me sighs past and his desires walled myself up. I
the course without reservation, without restraint, discovering little by little his story unfinished.
Distilling his anguish dissolving his silences, the cocoon cracks during my trip. A new wind
accompanying that of recklessness found, for the moment done.

Dora Invitation Sayings

* ~ ~ * Swapsworld

Although already in my links, I makes a nice little article on this forum.

Swapsworld what is it?

's all in the name ^ ^
is a forum or swap each month are conducted 3 swap on different themes.
There's something for everyone.

I am currently anim swap and a new doll swap in my class has just been launched "kokeshi & Kimmidoll"

I hope you will find numerous and you said soon Swapsworld !



Saturday, July 17, 2010

Chest Sitting Experience

"shells, shells and shells ..." Sweet words

From these moments runaways laid together, I still minute snorkeling, outside time, where the air never fails.
fragments of white light, bits of blue in our eyes, suites of related items.
I keep the salty flavor of our hugs, our skin texture sandy, our footprints cast in this vastness. I fixed
pastels, all diluted pigments on canvas of white cotton plumped downwind.
We fish from perfume to electric colors, dig our hands full days give way under a sun that stings. Intravenous
love, molecule addictive, we live on this thread of selective notes.
I'm still learning the names of those hours on the zenith, through innuendo built our castles of granite.
Gallop aligned on our breaths, I scan the horizon off our silhouettes on this line invented.
They take consistency over the moon and tides, join these bubbles turn into gold and shadow on the ride of our summer memories.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Tanning Salon Cover Letter Example

Our Japan, China

Our Japan, the book

(Note Delph)

As we did with our Korea, Japan is our (finally) became a book! Nearly 160 pages of stories and pictures ...
You can scroll below the first twenty pages (or read this blog since the beginning!)

Friday, July 2, 2010

Graph Of Simpsons Quality

lost under cartons

In the middle of moving, hence my absence from the blogosphere!

I try to drag myself painfully under the mountain of cardboard to give you a quick note to show that I'm alive ...!

wool in a box and hook on vacation, can not even participate in seral! (Especially since I had my bow for the last week and could not take a picture of TT)

I will access the Internet less time to install the new connection, but I should able to move from time to time!

Bon weekend!

Friday, June 25, 2010

How Much Does Halfprice Books Pay For Books

Swap accessorize your outfit

I participate this month in my first swap on the forum SwapsWorld

theme was therefore " To accessorize your outfit "

The package should contain:

- 3 Accessories
- a surprise
a delicacy - a small word

My swapped at got mine yesterday, so I can show you ^ ^

Having not taken a picture, here are his own, and as a bonus link from his blog and it makes pretty bento:
- the 3 accessories: A
Chococat bracelet, a pair of strips for hair and an earring (yes just because she always wears apare ware, me as well ^ ^)
- the surprise: A little panda key ring to slide his key into it (I cracked when I saw it, hide it for chache interested, I think buy me Moreover, a ^ ^)
- Gluttony: A packet of strawberry tagada Pink
course the little word, and a metal box for storing all that tasty ^ ^

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Theperfectman Blog Login

Wool Contest Box

A quick note to say thank you to all those who voted for me.
I won the purchase of 50 €, I am very happy ^ ^
Well we were only two to participate so it helped a little ^ ^ '

nice day!
