Sunday, November 7, 2010

Homemade Center Channel

A trip to Voiron

This week I worked the afternoon, gasping at all is that by chance as it was fine when I could not go out and gnagna (yes I'm a big complainer!)
and after having had enough to make my pain in the ass, I decided to do a little drag my feet out Saturday morning as I finally began at 14:30.
Paviot-The blanchissserie \\ o / (for those who know a little voiron)
and was shorter I will not get that thought ^ ^
I took my camera and made a detour to the park of the town hall, I had never taken the time to go around, just to go through to the pool. It is a beautiful park fairly quiet. It is well enménagé, there is a small duck pond with the small house, fish, deer (?) ...

Voiron Like what is not so bad ^ ^
There really nice spot! Just go a little farther than the tip of his nose and opening a little eyes. Especially with the colors of autumn, what more?

Voiron I crossed to get to the commercial area to join my zhomme after work (I bought a small shack to put bird on the balcony, which I must buy a net grain too) And a little direction to the pizzeria out of town.
One Saturday morning, very nice job despite the time that happened ...
A remake! ^ ^

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

How Much Was Rip Hamilton Mask

crocheter Serial No. 59

The theme this week: playroom !

My mini chips have a small corner for them,
amigurumis or sometimes come to visit them and tell them Mr. Rabbit stories bunny!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Back Pain Just Above The Waist

a blog
another (that of Isabelle Kessedjan followed by that of desidé
I found myself on this one:
with action for children hospitalized very nice ^ ^

If you tweak a little, go fast and have a look!
and then if you do not hack, nothing prevents not get the message;)

I shall not fail to participate, and cuddly amigurumi starting to pile up here, so far as they benefit someone ^ ^

Good day!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Can I Get Hpv From A Brazilian Waxing?

Challenge Elmer item 7

but point # 3 for me I think ...

ps I have not given up, I have been putting aside for a moment, then I finally picked up for me to realize that certain colors with which I started was no longer available .. .

Ducoup while I started last week \\ o /

I'm at 23 squared. (Hook No. 5 and 6 turn)