Tuesday, December 21, 2010

South Parkonlineengels Subtitels

daubed with paint!

Recently I took out the brushes!
it was long ^ ^

Yet although I am not especially gifted, I like it and it is with great pleasure that I am given full fingers ^ ^
And yes I am a true kid, I can not do anything properly!

I myself went back with a warhammer.

The man is trying to assemble his army, I'm interested just because the scenery and characters are really amazing.

"if you want me to paint a warhammer, it will be a dog khorne!"

The man is happy to share his new passion is with a box of dog khorne he comes home ^ ^

and here for my first:

I took basically the colors offered on the box, which him, in my opinion, was perfect. I tried some "effects" but it is still far from that.

I learn to serve me softly various paintings. But I'm still satisfied with the outcome, although not detailed, it looks like what I wanted ^ ^ And I finally

finii the art offered by Poom Toys for Christmas this year. I will have taken time! And yet I was really happy because it offers me at this period I was really telling me that I will try although the custo these animals there!

is very nice to browse the net looking at what artists do, but must also engage ^ ^

Again nothing too complicated or work, even some custo starting shape of art toys, it's really extra. But it will take me much time and testing before daring to go near certain level!

It was white at the base, I first rounded black (there are already several months) but to hang around with the move and it was found at the bottom of the carton, the paint is of poor as it was a little carnage.

I tried to catch it in brush strokes and black paint, but there is some nasty marks. I used the

warhammer citadel paint. it's really extra. And since now there is a shop on Voiron is good practice, it prevents from running in Grenoble just for a pot of paint.

I think buying the same subsequently to the release date. Ongoing reflection.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Things To Do To Make Somebody Horney

Holiday of Lights Contest ** **

Following an excellent idea Swapsworld launched on the forum, I found myself enlightened my window this year, although they are not absolutely Lyonnaise.

Why only the Lyon illuminate their city?

And maybe by the Following my neighbors will do the same: p

edict: the moment a neighbor monitoring \\ o /

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Customize I Love Boobies Bracelets

Small contests the blog of my shop.


1 cache size Pullip ear or SD

a keyring inspired Noireau totoro

it is going down: